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It will be important to make a game plan and timeline, as well as schedule team meetings to be held through out the semester.
You will probably find it helpful to delineate roles among team members based on individual strengths. Some team roles may be:

  • Team Coordinator-maintains timeline, keeps meeting notes, monitors completion of project criteria
  • Paper Editor-compiles contributions of team members to produce a paper reflecting the teams research and proposal
  • Research Leader-oversees research of topic and facilitates topic discussions at team meetings
  • Presentation Coordinator-initiates overall presentation plan, coordinates visuals, speaker notes and timing

  • Step 1. Decide on roles, create timeline, set up team meetings schedule.
    Step 2. (Month One of TASK) Using the first column of key questions as your guide, gather factual information, take detailed notes, compose lists, charts, and graphs for the team to use as reference as you move through the expedition. The bottom of this page lists many websites that you can use for this step.
    Step 3. (Month Two TASK) Utilize the information you have gathered in month one (and continue to find) and apply it to answer the questions in the second column of the TASK page. Begin work on the knowledge and analysis sections of your paper.
    Step 4. (Month Three of TASK)Utilizing all of the information and application you have compiled so far, as well as your ingenuity and creativity, as a team, formulate an action plan to help save your species. This step will require group discussion in which all should participate and come to a consensus. Write plan section of your paper.
    Step 5. Create and assemble a presentation that details and clarifies your proposed action plan. Your team will be alloted 20 minutes for this presentation. Ideas for presenting include: speaker explanations, use of props, slideshow, movie maker segments, creation of a public service announcement for your species, and specimen examples that can be viewed or handled by the audience (ex. "This rock is the shape and size of a Sea Turtle egg.")

    The following are informative and resourceful websites. You should utilize these, as well as
    others that are applicable and interesting to you. Other good resources are books on your species and
    ecosystem (many are available in you school library), periodicals on your topic, and wildlife documentaries.

    Very Cool Blog by Sixth Grader with a mission to help endangered animals

    United States Fish and Wildlife Service: Endangered Species Program

    The Late Steve Irwin's Legacay: Wildlife Warriors

    World Wildlife Fund

    United States Environmental Protection Agency

    Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

    PBS Earth on the Edge Series

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admistration

    PBS Online Series Animal Hospital: Species Survival Plan

    Great Site for graphic organizers that can be used to manage your data as you research and for your presentation

    This site provides map outlines for almost any region.
    Can help with organizing data, formulating plan and presenting ideas.

    Move on to the EVALUATION page to view the rubrics for your paper and presentation
    and be sure you have met all the criteria.